Saturday, 30 August 2008

Another new Taiwan sight

I've seen it on Ugly Betty but never actually in person here in Taiwan but yesterday, we passed a stall that has a big fish pool. Two women were sitting on the side gabbing away pleasantly (and appearingly painlessly) to each other with their feet dangling in the water. Dozens of fish swarming their feet taking little nibbles here and there. Apparently it makes for very soft feet but (shudder) its a new cultural experience I'm not ready for! :-)

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Clever little girl

Erin continues to amaze us with her clever little cuteness! Tonight we had fajitas for dinner and after about ten minutes into dinner, she quietly and nonchalantly picks up her plate to head to the kitchen signalling she was done. As I've never seen her do this without me having to ask her to, I was a little surprised. Looking down I saw an empty tortilla. I lifted up the corner and hidden underneath was three green peppers, 3 pieces of meat, and some cheese - basically her entire dinner except a piece of avocado. I snapped my eyes to meet her and she had the most sheepish grin on - knowing exactly what she had tried to do and fully aware she was busted! But you have to laugh at what she tries to get away with! :-)

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Splash City

One advantage to jet lag and 4 am wake-up times, is that our day starts very early and we can accomplish a lot more than we would with our normal 8 am rising time. Today, we decided to head off to the water park to beat the sun and if we aimed at getting there as soon as the park opened, we'd also beat the crowds. Normally, this would be a challenge for us but with 3 or so hours of wake-up time before setting off in the car, we managed to cook chicken, make a picnic lunch, pack our swim bags, have breakfast and get everybody out the door before 7:30. That's quite an impressive feat for us!

The water park itself was a blast. We went with good family friends with a daughter Erin's age and we all had a blast! Having only been there with my sixth grade students, I hadn't realised how many slides, fountains and splash pools were available for the young ones. The girls loved wading, splashing, and sliding! It was awesome. So much so that both families bought passes to come often. What another great Taipei find!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Back Home Again

It is so good to be home again. There is jet lag to deal with and a daunting year of work on the nearby horizon - and yet, it still feels so good to be home!

Our flights home were thankfully uneventful. We had a 17 hour layover in Los Angeles and so took the girls to DisneyLand. We had a great time! The girls were giddy with excitement all day and I think just about every one of their dreams did come true! (Cliche I know - but it was that good!) During a Maypole dance at a little "Coronation ceremony" we went to, Cinderella chose Erin's hand to hold from the fifty or so odd girls in the room. Erin only cracked the tiniest of smiles but her eyes were the sizes of grapefruits she was so excited! And Maddie finally got to see Tinkerbell who looked right at her, waved, smiled and blew her a kiss. The girls were starry-eyed the whole rest of the day.

The airplane ride home that night went well. Luck was on our side for we had two empty seats beside us - so both girls were able to lay down! Everyone slept at least 8 (some of us 9 hours)! That's a record for us we think. And now we're home and it does feel so good to be home!